Thursday, June 30, 2022

Dave McCullough - Ian Curtis RIP - Sounds - May 31 1980



  1. I was wondering when you would get to this in your McCullough retrospective. It is notorious, of course. As I remember it, Tony Wilson and the surviving band members were furious. And there is no denying that the last two paragraphs - in particular, the first sentence of the penultimate paragraph - are catastrophically ill-judged. But I think overall it is better than its reputation suggests. He's writing with raw feelings that are genuinely powerful, and incline me to forgive the points where he gets carried away and goes too far. And he situates Curtis in a place and time better than any other writer before or since. A work of flawed genius.

  2. Yes it's overwraught but absolutely forgivable in the circumstances I think - and authentic in its heroizing impulse.
