RIP Terror Danjah
Saddened to learn that *Terror Danjah - *grime's greatest producer and
co-founder of the *Aftershock * label - has died.
Here is the liner note...
これは明日だった (This Was Tomorrow)
Coulhart a/k/a { feuilleton } on *Expo 70 *in Osaka
There is a brief mention in *Retromania* of Expo 70 on account of what *Karlheinz...
RIP Geoff Nicholson
Well, if the last few weeks in LA have not been traumatizing enough - and
then we've had the hideousness of the inauguration and unfolding horror of
The Final Countdown
Bandying the word "apocalypse" feels a little off after the local events of
last week, but here is Kieran-Press Reynolds on The TikTokalypse - a
Pitchfork ...
RIP David Lynch
"Six Men Getting Sick" was Lynch's first exploration into film, made during
his second year of study at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, in
50 Favorite Songs
(for an Italian publication, 2009)
The Eyes -- "When the Night Falls"
The Beatles -- "Strawberry Fields Forever"
John's Children -- "A Midsummer ...
angel delights
*Go on* - listen to that gorgeous bubble bath of synthtronica!
Another vintage release, with a vi...