Archive Fever
Looking up an old tutor of mine who had impressed me, to see if his spoor
of publications was distinguished in the field, I came across a lengthy
Not Feeliesing It Really
*The Feelies / Died Pretty*
*ULU, London*
*Melody Maker, November 29 1986*
*The Feelies*
*The Good Earth*
*Melody Maker, Sept...
I like the way he reprimands himself for not having bought his pale blue
pegs from the right shop - “should have been from Lord John or Take Six”.
The mo...
nuumiest of the nuum nuum
Well I did not know this existed until recently (via Pearsall at Dissensus
An almost remake of this just-pre-nuum classic
vamp in sunlight
Rare sighting of a Goth at the beach - shield your eyes from the pasty
white glare!
Still, sensibly, Sioux seems to be applying sunscr...
This is quite a long-running series, now! Not talking about the When Mates
Make Books posts, of which there are countless, but specifically When Matts
fave raves
I'm not sure what the logic was exactly but as tie-in to Shock and Awe, *iD*
asked me to list my seven favorite / life-changing clubs /
Booker Contra The Future
Christopher Booker's *The Neophiliacs: A Study of the Revolution in English
life in the Fifties and Sixties * was published in 1969....
RIP David Lynch
"Six Men Getting Sick" was Lynch's first exploration into film, made during
his second year of study at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, in
angel delights
*Go on* - listen to that gorgeous bubble bath of synthtronica!
Another vintage release, with a vi...